Alternative software programs may require additonal time and expense to transfer. Please call our Art Director for additional information. We accept Iomega 100 MB Zip disks and 3.5 inch floppy disks. Please provide disks in Macintosh format.
- Your disks must contain all necessary fonts - both screen and printer. TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files must also be provided for photos or logos.
-For full color art CMYK resolution must be 2x the line count at 100%. For example, if you want your work printed at 55 lines, you must submit work at 110 lines.
- Please provide a printed proof with your disks. A B/W proof is acceptable for 1-color jobs. All other multicolor jobs require a color printed proof. Colors should be indicated by Pantone numbers. Mark your proofs "CMYK" if the job is full-color.
- When additional artwork charges are required, we will contact you for approval of these estimated charges before beginning work.
- For 1-color printing, we can accept a B/W PMT of the design with crop marks indicated.
- For 2 or more colors, we require B/W PMTs of separated colors with any necessary trapping, registration, and crop marks.
- Films must be prepared at 100% of the full size. If a sign is double-faced, two sets of film are required.
- Please submit only positive films - right reading, with emulsion down (not negatives). Include proper registration and crop marks. For color identification, please label each film with the proper Pantone number.
- Include with your order a hard copy B/W proof for each spot color or color copy for 4-color process.
For additional artwork information, please call 419-241-9347 and ask for the Art Director